I’m always glad to see a healthy response to a giveaway! There were 247 comments (admittedly, a few were from LoungeBuddy responding to readers’ questions) entered into the drawing for a $200 Visa gift card linked to LoungeBuddy and Cathay Pacific’s contest to win two premium economy tickets to Hong Kong, a VIP tour of the Hong Kong airport lounges, and free elite status in the Marco Polo Club. That contest is still ongoing through the end of the month, but it’s time for me to decide who gets the $200 gift card.
Congratulations to Keith! For once the winner was very close to the beginning or end, making it easy for me to find. And Keith does a good job summarizing lots of other positive comments about LoungeBuddy:
I like being able to plug in status, memberships or credit cards you already have to help sort [which lounges you have complimentary access to]! Neat!
Thanks for entering everyone. I need to get back on the giveaway train, though, since I have a lot of stuff building up in my swag box. Yes, Megan gave me a special box because there was too much swag. So stay tuned…